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DSAR - Fields Configuration

DSAR - Field Configuration

The privacy portal provides different data subject access requests for the users to copy, correct, unsubscribe, opt-out, and delete their data. Each request form can be configured in the DSAR configuration screen through the Form tab under Privacy Portal Configuration. Refer to this guide for configuring a service request form - DSAR - Form Configuration.docx

Under the Field tab, you can configure the information that can be collected from a user/requestor when placing a service request through different fields in the request forms like emails, address, and more. A default form can be selected and customized accordingly, or new fields can be defined through the DSAR Configuration.

To configure different fields in a request form,

  • Log in to the Data Governance Tool.

Once logged in, the Data Governance Tool displays the Main Screen.

  • Navigate to the DSA Request module on the hamburger menu.

    A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  • Toggle the 'View Dashboard' button to 'View Configuration' to see the DSAR configurations.

    A screenshot of a phone Description automatically generated

  • Click on the 'Field' tab.

    A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

In case you want to choose from the existing fields,

  • Click on the 'Select Field to Update' dialog box.

  • Select any of the pre-defined fields from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on to make the changes.

Similarly, to define a new field,

  • Under the 'Field' tab, click the button present next to the 'Select Field to Update' dialog box.

  • Define the 'Key' in the dialog box.

Note: Here, Key is the name used for the backend purpose.  

  • Enter the 'Name' in a similar way.

  • Click the 'Field Type' drop-down menu.

Note: The drop-down menu provides four choices - string, Boolean, number, and date. You can select any of these based on the input to be entered in the Field.

  • Select one option from the drop-down menu.

  • Click the 'Form Type' drop-down menu present next to the Field Type.

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    This drop-down provides the following options:

    Single Line - the defined field appears in a single line on the request form.

    Multiline - multiple fields can be adjusted/ displayed in a single line on the request form.

    Text Area - a field with this selection can have multi-line inputs from the requestors when filling the form (a dialog box for the users to enter text inputs).

    Attachment - field used to include attachments/files when filling the request forms.

    Check Box - with this selection, the input field appears as a check box, and the users can either check the selection or leave it unchecked.

    Stepper - field with a stepper to enter numbers manually or use the stepper icon to increase/ decrease the input values.

    Drop-down - field with a drop-down menu providing different options for the users to choose from.

    Radio - field with a radio button for the users to choose any one of the options displayed.

    • Click the necessary option from the Form Type drop-down menu.

    • Click the 'Update' button.